Monday 1 June 2015

Much stuff

Hey guys. I'm not really getting with the program on animal jam, and I just wanted to let you know that even though I've hosted this blog for less than a month and I might just disband it.

I just don't have the time nor the patience to post, and unless I get new editors soon, I might just give up.
I don't have any support or comments, so I barely even know you exist. And if I'm writing to someone who doesn't exist, what do they get out of it?
Just a heads up :)

As always, thanks for reading

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Narwhal horn!

Hey guys! Today I found a really good book, and I've been reading it and I couldn't put it down. Have you guys ever had a book like that? It was even more amusing because I don't read all that much, so it was good to get away from the regular stuff. New items!

This item is pretty cool, the only problems I have with it are:
a) It took me about 3 hours to find so I could make this post and
b) It looks rather odd on an otter.

Apart from that, they look pretty cool. There's not much else to talk about I guess! So as always, thanks for reading jammers!


Tuesday 26 May 2015

Rope shoes and INERTIA!

Hey guys! Not much news as always today. I've been reobsessed with songs that I used to love. But we also reached 40 views yesterday. Big milestone \o/ When we reach 50 I'll have a big party and everyone's invited because it's halfway to 100! And nobody will come because barely anybody who's somebody reads this blog! But nonetheless, new items!

Rope Sandals!
They kinda remind me of ancient roman history. I think they look pretty cool! But I think in real life they'd be pretty uncomfortable... With rope burns and all. Animal Jam pays no attention to Inertia... Thankfully!

Anyway, that's all for today! As always, thanks for reading!


Monday 18 May 2015

Rare vine anklets!

GUYS! I'm excited. I love this item! Even though I'm a guy, it's an awesome item. But here we have the vine anklet!!!

WOOOOOT! BOOYA! HURRAH! I would buy like 70 of these but my inventory is full... I wish we had unlimited space in our inventory. But noooooo...
Lately I've been obsessed with the beauty and the beast. Can anyone relate to me with a common Disney movie? 

Apart from that, there's not much to talk about. 
As always, thanks for reading!

The new schedule?

Oh hey guys! Didn't see you there. Well animal Jam's new schedule has totally ruined my blogging schedule. They now release the new items at 9 AM American time... But it doesn't matter! We have the new items:

No gif today, sorry, too many colours and forms D:
Other item: 

Mechanical stuff! That's pretty much it for today guys. I haven't got much to talk about!

As always, thanks for reading!

Friday 15 May 2015

Mechanical Photo!

Hey jammers! Today animal jam changed their update system and the time of which new items come out which is a bug bummer due to the fact that I can't get up at 6 AM to blog... I need my beauty sleep! And I know I'm the only male on earth who needs a beauty sleep... But don't tell anyone! Anyway, new itemmmmmm:

Mechanical picture!!! It's 11 PM and I gotta get to sleep.
So thanks for reading, as usual!!! 


Thursday 14 May 2015


Hey guys! Not much going on in AJ today, so it's gonna be a short post. Nothing much aside from EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE FLOWERS.

What is this, a wedding bouquet?! I mean, sure, we're in AJ where no logic applies... But $300 for a bunch of flowers? Just no. Lol. No. 

But apart from that, utterly nothing has been going on! Very exciting day of inactivity and annoyingness. So that's pretty much it for today!

As always, thanks for reading!