Friday 8 May 2015

Bicycle and scamming

Hey guys! Today's item is the bicycle. I love this new item. I ride to school everyday, so that is a big contribution to the reasons why I like it :D

You can get it in lots of different colours in the furniture shop (duh)
NOW I need to talk to you guys about something that has become a serious problem on Jamaa!!!

Scamming has been getting out of hand! I see lots of players scammed every single day, and it breaks my heart to learn that someone's valued items have been taken by someone who isn't deserving of those items at all. 
It makes me even MORE disappointed to realise that people use the fact that they were scammed as an excuse to go around scamming people. People tell people they've been scammed, and naturally, they ask for donations. Gullible people fall for it every day.
I think that it should stop, because if you scam someone of for instance a founder's hat, you will be very happy with yourself, but how do you think the scammed person feels? Can't you just trade for an item that you want? It's never too late to give up scamming!
I think that we should all stop.

Thanks for reading today!
As always,


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